The efforts of His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji in the direction of human well-being and bringing spirituality closer to science cannot be explained in words. His efforts have been appreciated at the government level internationally. His Holiness has been a recipient of various Honors & Awards in India. Some of the honors he has received are:
- Vachaspati Award
- Vishwa Sant Award

- Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award
- Aruna Asaf Ali Award
- Bhagwan Shree Dhanwantri Award
- Former President of India, Late Giani Zail Singh felicitated him at Rashtrapati Bhawan in the presence of prominent intelligentsia and experts from the medical fraternity for his work of spiritual poetry, Maykhana.
- Former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam felicitated him for his work for human welfare.
- The former President of India, Giani Jail Singh felicitated him at Rashtrapati Bhawan in the presence of prominent intelligentsia and medical doctors.
- He has also been appointed as an Advisor to the Industry, Labor, Health and Family Planning Ministries of the Government of India.
Other honors conferred outside of India include :
- His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji, on his visit to The State of Alberta in Canada in July 2010, was invited by the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Canada where he was welcomed and honored by Shri N. Bhardwaj, Chairman of Economic Cell on behalf of Canada Government by presenting a Certificate of Welcome.
- The Senate and General Assembly, State of New Jersey, America Passed a Resolution unanimously stating His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji as highly esteemed spiritual sage.
- New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli issued an Honor Citation applauding “Brahmrishi Shri Kumar Swami for his leadership in promoting human welfare.”
- Assemblyman Tom McKevitt joined Senator Jack Martins in presenting a Senate Proclamation declaring April 29 as “Brahmrishi Shri Kumar Swami Day” in the state of New York.
- The highly acclaimed “Ambassador of Peace Award” was presented to His Holiness by the Universal Peace Federation, which is presented to individuals whose lives exemplify the ideal of living for the sake of others, and who dedicate themselves to practices which promote universal moral values, strong family life, inter religious cooperation,international harmony, renewal of the United Nations and the establishment of a culture of peace.